voice & video sculptures

"Senza fine, il seme - la radice - la foglia. Tutto sembra svettare da un sottosuolo inesplorato che s'innerva a un sole di pelle e fronde. Agli antipodi, un Giano bifronte sicuramente muoverà - maschile - tra foglie e riflessi, stessi gesti e stesse parole. Intendere, pretendere: ci sono alberi che hanno radici in aria: Tillandsia insiste, gesto persiste. La betulla, la luce di bosco. Grazie."

Gian Paolo Guerini          07.10.2019

Poetry by Vasilij Kandinskij
from "Sounds

(Münichen, 1913)


(translated from German by Elizabeth Napier) 
Quick little spider fled before my hand. Nimble little spiders.

Your pupils reflected my eyes.


- Does he still remember the tree?

- The birch tree?


The light of the evening star at the appointed hour comes.

Do you know when?


- The tree I saw he doesn't know.

- The tree grows in growing from hour to hour.

- And the fire destroys the dry leaves.


The bell tries to knock holes in the air.

And can't do it.

It is always caught.


- He can remember the tree. The tree trembled from underneath from its roots, to up above, to its crown.

- Oh!! The uppermost leaves.

- He still remembers the tree!!

- The birch tree.

Lino Budano & Ana Spasic